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By the judgement of 12 May 1998 "Liability for links" (312 O 85/98), the Regional Court of Hamburg has clearly decided that by placing a link, the contents of the linked page may be jointly responsible, so liability can be made; this can only be prevented by expressly distancing oneself from these contents.

The VESCON Group hereby expressly distances itself from all contents of all linked pages on and refers to the fact that it has no influence on the design and contents of the linked pages nor does it adopt these contents as its own.

Dürkheimer Straße 130 
D-67227 Frankenthal 
Telephone: +49 6233 6000-0 
Telefax: +49 6233 6000-800 
E-Mail: info[at]

Executive Board: Michael Goepfarth, Bastian Mauritz, Hans-Peter Zobl

Amtsgericht Ludwigshafen HRB 22192 
Finanzamt Frankenthal 
VAT: DE182893385
D-U-N-S® Number: 343.412.227



VESCON Process GmbH 
Dürkheimer Straße 130 
D-67227 Frankenthal 
Telephone: +49 6233 6000-0 
Telefax: +49 6233 6000-801 
E-Mail: info[at]

Executive Board: Stefan Ruthmann, Hubert Alter

Amtsgericht Ludwigshafen HRB 64545 
Finanzamt Frankenthal 
VAT: DE213365966
D-U-N-S® Number: 329.564.616



VESCON Systemtechnik GmbH 
Industriestraße 1 
A-8200 Albersdorf-Prebuch
Telephone: +43 3112 3600 6-0 
Telefax: +43 3112 3600 6-88 
E-Mail: gleisdorf[at]

Executive Board: Antonio Cavotta, Christian Jetzinger

Handelsgericht Graz FN 145818p 
Finanzamt Weiz, Nr.67 
VAT: ATU42040803
D-U-N-S® Number: 303.208.961



VESCON Automation GmbH
Dürkheimer Straße 130
D-67227 Frankenthal
Telephone: +49 6233 6000-0
Telefax: +49 6233 6000-800
E-Mail: info[at]

Executive Board: Antonio Cavotta

Amtsgericht Ludwigshafen HRB 65765
Finanzamt Frankenthal
VAT: DE129290392
D-U-N-S® Number: 319.454.187 



VESCON AQUA GmbH                                
Eckernförder Landstraße 87
D-24941 Flensburg
Telephone: +49 40 524711-170
Telefax: +49 40 524711-100
E-Mail: aqua[at]

Executive Board: Stefan Ruthmann, Olaf Kremsier, Maik Bösch

Handelsregister Flensburg HRB 4189 FL
VAT: DE 214086127



VESCON Energy GmbH 
Dürkheimer Straße 130
D-67227 Frankenthal
Telephone: +49 40 18138418-0

Executive Board: Erol Pamir, Thomas Rhede

Amtsgericht Ludwigshafen, HRB 67898
VAT:: DE 349395470



VESCON Slovakia, s.r.o. 
Minská 7/5
SK-03608 Martin
Telephone: +421 043 4281 521 
Telefax: +421 043 4281 544 
E-Mail: m.galcikova[at]

Executive Board: Antonio Cavotta, Martina Galcikova 

Handelsgericht Zilina 16677/L 
Finanzamt Martin 
VAT: SK2022065122D-U-N-S® Nummer: 319.454.187